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Writer's pictureRene Robinson

Ways To Improve Skin Clarity

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

If your skin is looking a bit dull or you have some nasty breakouts, following some of these tips might help clear it, and give you an effortless glow.

Clear Skin Juice:

What you eat and drink has a massive impact on what your skin looks like. Drinking a mixture of lukewarm water, 1 tsp cayenne pepper, 1 tsp turmeric powder, a squeeze of honey, and the juice of half a lemon, can really make a big difference in your appearance.

Drink this mixture every morning until your skin starts to clear up, it might also help with speeding up your metabolism. I recommend making a small shot size of this mixture instead of a big glass because the taste can be really hard to get down.

Stop Touching Your Face

This is a really bad habit because you might not think your hands are that dirty, but it's so much worse than you think. Every time you touch your face, you're transferring all the dirt from your fingers, onto your face. It obviously gets into your pores and the result is not what you want. So try to shake this habit, because it'll do you wonders in the long run.

Wash Your Face

This might seem obvious, but this is to all those lazy girls out there. We've all been there when it's late and you're starting to get tired, but you're too lazy to get out of bed. So you just wing it and go to sleep without washing your face. This is really bad, and kind of gross. Do yourself a favor and just wash your face before you go to bed. Also, depending on your skin, you might wash your face in the morning as well, which is good because as you sleep your skin regenerates and you need to get the dead skin cells off of your face. But, if you have really dry skin, I don't suggest washing your face with cleanser in the morning as well. You can just rinse it with water. But in conclusion, wash your face.

Get Enough Sleep

This is so important for so many reasons, but when it comes to skin, sleep has a crucial role to play. Like I said earlier, when you sleep your skin regenerates and obviously does a whole lot of other nb things that I don't know of, but if you don't sleep enough your skin can't do all of those things. So make sure to sleep between 7 - 8 hours, and your skin will thank you.

Leave Pimples

This is not the easiest thing to do, but it's really necessary. Squeezing pimples and blackheads is really terrible for your skin. Trust me - I know. It leaves horrible scars and can make something small, a whole lot worse. Also, what I said earlier about your dirty fingers counts here as well. So just leave your pimples to do their own thing and just don't look too closely at yourself in the mirror. If you have the means, invest in a good spot treatment and hopefully it will help solve your pimple problems.

Drink enough water

This is also something that will help in more ways than just clearing up your skin. Water is so important for your skin health all over your body. You can tell if you're dehydrated by pulling on a piece of your skin. If it sticks to itself and takes a few seconds to get back to how it was, then you're dehydrated. Drinking enough water decreases the number of wrinkles you'll see on your skin and will also help slow aging - among other things.

Eat Less Sugar

Sugar is so good, but also so bad. Sugar affects some people differently to others, but all in all, it's not good for anyone. If you're having some breakouts, the reason could be that you've been consuming a lot of sugar recently. Sugar also helps you age, and honestly, that's not the kind of help anyone wants. So eat less sugar from processed sources. Don't cut out sugar from fruit because that's just dumb.

Clean Your Pillowcase

EEEEEW. If you could shine a light on your pillowcase that highlights all the dead skin cells, hair, dandruff, and other bodily stuff you can't see. You would be disgusted. A dirty pillowcase could really answer to some people's skin problems. It sounds extreme, but you should wash or change your pillowcase every few days. Also, the texture of your pillowcase could be doing harm to your skin. I really recommend using a silk pillowcase, because not only do you sleep like a queen, but you feel and look like one as well. Silk pillowcases are good for your face and hair because it doesn't damage either as badly as a normal pillowcase. I'm really not a fan of Cotton-on (screw consumerism), but they sell silk pillowcases in some really cute colors.


Yesss, the dead skin cells make an appearance once again. They don't just pack up and leave when they feel like it. You need to physically remove them. This is easier than I'm making it sound, you can just exfoliate your face once a week. Click here for some of my recipes. This will really help your skin stay clear and help create a natural glow.

Avoid using hot water on your face

We all know a scorching hot shower is the only thing you need in winter, but maybe its time to turn down the heat. Applying water that's too hot on your face and back can lead to acne and can also damage your keratin cells and irritate your skin.

Clean Your Brushes, Sponges, and Cloths

This is also as obvious as it is gross, but just think what the result will be if you keep on using dirty brushes on your face. Not good. So just give your brushes, sponges and face cloths a lekker wash in some Milton or shampoo.

Eat Less Dairy

Because most animal products we consume are not organic, and contain a huge amount of chemicals and hormones, the effects on our skin are not good. A hormonal imbalance can cause really bad breakouts and can cause your skin to produce an excess amount of oil. Try your best to avoid buying dairy products that aren't organic, and if you can't, then avoid the over-consumption of dairy products.

Less Alcohol

Thankfully lockdown has helped with controlling all our bad habits, but you still need to know that alcohol is really bad for your skin. So most people know that alcohol basically dehydrates your body, so it's logical that it wouldn't be good for your skin. So unless you feel like adding, 20 or so years to your face, don't binge drink more than twice a month, 3 times max. This sounds awful, but in the long run this will also be better for your overall health. That being said, you should still enjoy being young, so everything in moderation right?

Hopefully this solves some of your skin problems and possibly teaches you something that you never knew.

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