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Writer's pictureRene Robinson

Healthy Morning Habits

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

You've probably heard people say "You need to start your day right," but wth does that even mean? There is no textbook way of 'starting your day right', it all depends on you as a person, your goals, and how you function. Some days what you need is to sleep late and eat sugary cereal, while other days you might need to get up early and workout. It all depends on you. With that being said, there are few things that help me have a more productive day and just put me in a better mood overall. Take what you feel might work for you and leave the things that won't, also, there are things on this list that I definitely don't do every day because I just don't feel like it, and that's okay too.

1. Wake up naturally

I hate alarms. I have to set 10 alarms to actually get me up. But, by sleeping around 10 pm every night, my body naturally tends to wake up earlier. Because of this, the natural light coming through my curtains wakes me up at 7. This is the best way to wake up for me because you're not forcing your body to do anything.


Thankfully this has become a habit that I cannot function without. I sleep with a bottle of water next to my bed, and when I wake up, the first thing I do is reach for my water. I'm too lazy, but you can leave a glass of water with a slice of lemon in next to your bed as well. I've found that drinking water as soon as I can, just wakes me up and makes me feel more hydrated throughout the rest of the day.

3. No Phone

I always used to reach for my phone in the morning, but then I would just be on it for hours. So after drinking water, I just tap the screen to look at the time, but that's all. Doing this has helped me to detach from my screen and not get stuck in that world first thing in the morning. I feel so much better because of doing this.

4. Gratitude list

In December, my Mom bought me a gratitude book, that has changed my life. Every day you write down three things that you're grateful for and it really impacts the way you look at the rest of your day. Thinking such positive thoughts at the start of the day instantly puts you in a better mood. You can do this by just thinking of things that you're thankful for or writing them down in a notepad.

5. Set Goals

I rarely get anything done if I don't decide to do it early in the morning. By writing down what I want to achieve each day, I put it in my mind, and most of the time I go out of my way to do it. This also helps with procrastination, because if you decide to do something and you do it, it's off your plate and you don't have to worry about it anymore.

6. Set Intention

On the same piece of paper, I set my intention for the day. It is as simple as just writing, "Be present," or "Live slow," or maybe "To love". This is just what you decide to be your outlook that day.

7. Positive Affirmation

This really helps on bad days, and basically you just tell yourself something positive about yourself. For example, "You are loved," or "You are really good at what you do". I really can't explain the huge difference that this makes.

8. Pray

I do a short bible study and pray and thank God for the things in my life. Whatever this means to you

9. Face Routine

I try to do my facial routine every morning, but sometimes I forget. I feel like it's really important for clear skin though. You can click here for a link to what my facial routine looks like.


For me, this is the most important thing, because the rest of my day is so much more put together if I just make my bed. Sometimes, this just feels like such a big job, but it really isn't. One of the worst feelings is coming home to an unmade bed.

11. Quick Stretches

I never actually do this, but I wish did. Stretching is so underrated, it's really good for your muscles and it feels good too. I recently had a stiff neck and stretching every morning really helped to fix it. Click here for some stretches you can do.

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