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Writer's pictureRene Robinson

The Best Kept Skincare Secrets of the Industry

Having healthy and clear skin can sometimes feel like too much to ask for. Adding to the fact that you’re paying a senseless amount for products that don’t even seem to be working. Recently, my skin has taken an unexpected turn for the better, with just a few simple changes. 

1. Diet

Sugar is the enemy. Not just for your body, but for your skin. Sugary foods contain a high glycemic index and this causes inflammation throughout your body. Inflammation has a nasty effect on your skin and can lead to adult acne. 

2. Vitamin C

Don’t neglect to take your vitamins! I follow a few skincare specialists on tiktok, and something that I’ve heard a few of them say, is that taking a vitamin c supplement each day, will also help improve your skin. So simple. This is because vitamin c contains lots of antioxidants, making the skin clear and radiant. 

3. Retinol

This one I haven’t tried for myself yet (waiting for my package from SKOON). But I’ll definitely keep you posted on my experience with it as soon as I get it. These same tik tok doctors (very reputable, I promise), mentioned retinol quite often. Retinoids are what they call ‘active’ ingredients. What they basically do is breakdown the skin cells with the result that it promotes new cell growth and collagen production. This makes the skin thicker and can decrease the size of pores and stop wrinkles before they even begin. It is important not to use it too much, to only apply at night (start with once a week), and to apply sunscreen everyday. 

4. Simplicity is key

Overstimulating your skin is a thing. Make sure to simplify your routine as much as possible. The less the better. Doing too much can cause irritation and delayed healing abilities. 

Hopefully these easy steps help you on your skin journey. Leave a comment on any skincare secrets you have! xxx

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